Test All Media

Test All Media is a digital research platform focused on music testing, listener perceptions, format comparisons, website content, billboards, and station images.

Test All Media Mobile gives your listeners a way to provide you with valuable research information wherever they are, and whenever it is convenient. Making the survey process easier, improves participation rates, and subsequently produces better sample sizes.

Using the customizable Test All Media Platform, you can further engage your audience: promote your shows and contests, and most importantly, deliver more raters to make your research more meaningful.

Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of your station.

Test All Media offers ContentCheck, a unique face-off module capable of testing any type of audio. Our patented technology allows you to put a listener into a real-world listening environment where you can track…

  • how long they listen before they switch
  • when they switch
  • where they switch to
  • why they switched

Track and understand listeners’ behavior!

With ContentCheck, create a radio face-off between your station and other stations in your market or even test a new format. A virtual radio experience enables you to see what songs caused your audience to switch to another station. ContentCheck offers you the opportunity to analyze the flow of your station and become more familiar with your audience’s preferences.

Test All Media is a leader and innovator in content testing, offering our clients a world-class, robust, customizable online research platform. Take advantage of the power of Test All Media to develop and manage your research strategies
